Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Shalom from Jerusalem

Submitted by Annie Keith

Today was our first official day of Israel Ride 2013!

People from all over the world arrived, greeted old friends and made new ones! Excitement, and the spirit of cooperation, peace, fellowship and caring for the environment were in the air!

At lunch we dined on blankets in a local park, ate fresh local food (leftovers were donated to a local charity) and at the end all 150+ of us washed our own dishes in buckets on the wall so that the crew (Arava students and alumni) could use them for the next waste or disposable stuff here!

As riders set off to get their bikes ready and do test rides in the nearby Jerusalem Forest, it was so wonderful to see how everyone helped each other with bike set ups, parking lot trials and maps.

During evening orientation we learned more about one of the ride's beneficiaries--Hazon--and all the great work they are doing for renewed Jewish spirit and peace around the world.

We also learned about the diversity of people participating in the ride....alumni, 84 newbies, 13 people who've never been to Israel (like Team Mandell JCC members Annie and Allison), sets of siblings, families and couples, including one couple who recently married and asked for donations to the ride instead of gifts! So many great people and inspirational stories.

As we head off for day one on our ride tomorrow morning we look forward to showing you Israel and many of the great Hazon and Arava Institute projects from the seat of our bikes!

Shalom from Jerusalem!

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