Monday, October 28, 2013

Touring the Old City and Yad Vashem

Submitted by Annie Keith

As the team began to arrive in Jerusalem, everyone was drawn to the Old City. Small groups visited, toured and ate. Team members Annie & Allison (first timers) toured the Old City with Israeli tour guide and JCC friend Julian and long time Israel ride member, Bruce. It was an incredible experience to see people of all faiths and nations making pilgrimages to the ancient site. Julian's historical and societal perspective helped us understand the city in a special way.

After an amazing morning we left the Old City and toured Yad Vashem. Again, Julian really helped us see the Holocaust museum through different eyes. We started with the "Avenue of the Righteous," which honors those who helped Jews escape all over Europe. Julian explained that this beautiful tree-lined lane is at the beginning of the museum to say thank you and remind us that the loss of life could have been even greater if not for the "righteous among the nations." It was so powerful and beautiful. It was like being in school, learning what the sculptures in the garden and courtyard meant, as well as their symbolism and portrayals. Throughout the inside of the museum were stories, mementos and photos that made us hold our breath, gasp and cry. It was a moving and memorable experience.

The hotel is beginning to bustle with Arava & Hazon organizers arriving to set up for registration and orientation and cyclists checking in. Everyone we've met so far is passionate about this cause and this ride. We are getting so excited!

1 comment:

  1. hey nice post meh, You are one of the best writers I've seen of recent. I love your style of blogging here. this post reminds me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog: How To Get Better .
    keep up the good work friend. I will be back to read more of your posts.

